Top 10 Solar Panel Manufacturers In 2019 (Shipments)

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Top 10 Solar Panel Manufacturers In 2019 (Shipments)
Photo by Jefferson Sees on Unsplash

1. Introduction

The search for renewable energy sources and growing environmental concerns have spurred the solar panel industry's impressive rise in recent years. As a result, there is a greater demand for solar panels, which has advanced production techniques and brought in new competitors. Given the growth of this sector, the significance of premium solar panels cannot be emphasized. The total effectiveness and lifespan of solar power systems are directly impacted by the efficiency and robustness of these panels. Consequently, selecting trustworthy manufacturers is essential to guaranteeing dependable and effective energy production. This blog post intends to provide useful information for people and organizations thinking about investing in solar energy solutions by highlighting the top 10 solar panel manufacturers in 2019 based on their shipments.

Watch this space for our upcoming blog post, where we will reveal our selection for the best solar panel manufacturer of 2019 based on their outstanding client happiness, reliable performance, and high-quality products.

2. Criteria for Evaluation

Several important aspects were taken into account when ranking the best solar panel manufacturers of 2019. Shipment volumes were emphasized as the main measure of the industry's success. The capacity to regularly export large quantities of solar panels is an indicator of both market demand and manufacturing efficiency.

Because shipment numbers provide information on a company's manufacturing capability and market share, they are an important measure for assessing solar panel manufacturers. High shipment volumes are a sign of both robust consumer demand and effective manufacturing techniques, two factors that are critical for success in the cutthroat solar market.

The ranking of the top manufacturers also included other characteristics, such as global reach, technological innovation, and product quality, in addition to shipment volumes. These factors guarantee a thorough analysis that emphasizes quantity while also taking the impact and quality of the products being shipped into account.

The potential of the top 10 manufacturers to continuously produce high shipping quantities in 2019 was prioritized during the selection process, which was based on their overall performance across these critical criteria. These businesses are leading the solar panel sector because of their capacity to efficiently produce and supply solar panels in order to fulfill market demand.

3. Company 1: Ranking and Overview

According to its substantial shipments in 2019, Company 1 is ranked as one of the top producers of solar panels. The business has made a name for itself in the sector by continuously producing high-caliber goods to satisfy the expanding need for solar energy solutions throughout the world. With a strong track record and a dedication to sustainability and innovation, Company 1 has established itself as one of the leading manufacturers.

Company 1, which was established some decades ago, is well known for its groundbreaking contributions to the advancement of solar technology. Among the company's noteworthy accomplishments are innovations in solar panel durability and efficiency, which have helped solar energy become a widely accepted substitute for conventional power sources. Company 1 has gained recognition for its creative thinking and market leadership due to its commitment to research and development, which has helped it rise to the top of the industry.

4. Company 2: Ranking and Overview

Photo by Jefferson Sees on Unsplash

Let me introduce you to Company 2, a well-known producer of solar panels that has established a strong reputation in the market thanks to its remarkable shipment numbers. Company 2 has been a reliable supplier of high-quality solar panels, meeting the increasing need for renewable energy solutions with a dedication to innovation and sustainability.

Company 2's cutting-edge manufacturing techniques, which facilitate the creation of robust and effective solar panels, are among its main selling points. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology and stringent quality assurance procedures, the company guarantees the dependability and efficacy of its goods. The panels from Company 2 are well-known for their elegant appearance and flexibility in installation configurations, which make them ideal for a range of residential and commercial uses.

One way that Company 2 sets itself apart is by emphasizing environmental responsibility at every stage of the production process. The organization places a high priority on sustainable processes and environmentally friendly products in an effort to reduce its carbon footprint and increase energy production. Customers that are concerned about the environment and are looking for solar solutions that fit with their beliefs are drawn to this dedication to sustainability.

Due to its commitment to environmental protection, dependable products, and technological innovation, Company 2 is a strong competitor in the cutthroat solar panel market. Their role to creating a more environmentally friendly future through solar energy is still very important as they keep growing in power and influence.

5. Company 3: Ranking and Overview

In terms of exports, Company 3 ranks third among the leading producers of solar panels for 2019. With a reputation for excellence and innovation, Company 3 has established itself as a major player in the market. It has become known for its cutting-edge manufacturing techniques and high-performing solar panels, with a particular emphasis on efficiency and sustainability.

Since its founding in [year], Company 3 has quickly grown to become more prominent in the world market. The company's commitment to R&D has produced state-of-the-art solar panel technology with remarkable dependability and performance. One of Company 3's noteworthy accomplishments is the way it has integrated cutting-edge materials and manufacturing processes to create some of the most effective solar panels on the market right now.

Apart from its technological achievements, Company 3 has made noteworthy progress in advocating for environmental sustainability. Its dedication to cutting carbon emissions at every stage of production is in line with the rising need for sustainable energy solutions. As a reliable supplier of solar panels worldwide, Company 3 has established a solid reputation for producing high-quality products.📑

One prominent player in the solar panel manufacturing sector is Company 3. It is firmly entrenched as a leading competitor in the market thanks to its consistent commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability.

6. Companies 4-6: Rankings and Overviews

Photo by Jefferson Sees on Unsplash


With a strong global presence, Hanwha Q Cells has established itself as a major manufacturer of solar panels. The business is well known for its premium goods and steady advancements in solar technology. Hanwha Q Cells continues to provide dependable and effective solar panels to satisfy the rising demand for renewable energy solutions by putting a strong emphasis on research and development. Their industry-leading position is a result of their innovative production processes and dedication to sustainability.


JA Solar is well-known for its broad knowledge of photovoltaic products and solar cell technology. The company has risen to the top of the global solar panel manufacturers rankings because to its commitment to improving solar energy efficiency. JA Solar is still a reliable option for utility-scale, commercial, and residential solar projects because of their extensive product line and focus on technological progress. Maintaining a prominent position in the global solar market, JA Solar places a high priority on quality control and customer satisfaction.


One of the biggest and most significant producers of solar panels in the world, JinkoSolar is renowned for its dedication to the dependability and performance of its products. The business continuously makes investments in R&D to increase the efficiency of solar technology. With a strong track record of producing high-performance modules, JinkoSolar is well-known for its cutting-edge inventions and environmentally friendly solutions. Through its emphasis on exceptional product design and production proficiency, JinkoSolar persists in making a substantial contribution to the global expansion of the adoption of renewable energy.

7. Companies 7-10: Rankings and Overviews

Photo by Jefferson Sees on Unsplash

7. JinkoSolar: JinkoSolar is a top global producer of solar modules and keeps pushing the boundaries of the market. With more than 11 GW of solar modules sold in 2019 alone, JinkoSolar demonstrates its dominance in the world market for solar energy.

8. Trina Solar: With its superior solar products, Trina Solar constantly keeps a solid market position. Trina Solar is still one of the biggest players in the market, with shipments of more than 10 GW in 2019.

9. Canadian Solar: This company is well-known for its dedication to providing dependable and effective solar solutions. The company's noteworthy 9 GW shipment figure in 2019 solidified its position as one of the leading producers of solar panels.

10. LONGi Solar: Completing the list, LONGi Solar has demonstrated outstanding innovation and growth in the solar industry. The company's remarkable 9 GW of shipments in 2019 highlights its rise to prominence in the world's solar panel manufacturing market.

These companies' substantial shipment figures demonstrate their ongoing dedication to advancing renewable energy technologies and expanding their influence within the solar market.

8. Industry Insights and Trends

There are a number of prevalent trends in the solar panel manufacturing business that are significantly influencing the market. The trend toward greater efficiency and lower production costs is one of the most noticeable. In order to increase the efficiency of solar panels and lower their cost to consumers, manufacturers are spending in R&D. This development implies that solar energy will become more competitive with conventional energy sources, which is good news for customers and the industry overall. 😷

The growing emphasis on environmental responsibility and sustainability in manufacturing processes is another significant development. A lot of manufacturers are working to cut down on production waste and their carbon footprint. This is advantageous for the environment as well as for customers who value eco-friendly goods. Consequently, we should anticipate an increase in demand for solar panels from producers who prioritize eco-friendly methods.

Technological developments, like the incorporation of intelligent functions and enhanced resilience, are increasingly common in the production of solar panels. Solar panels are becoming more dependable and functional for consumers as a result of these advancements in performance and endurance. This tendency indicates to the industry that distinctiveness and added value are being sought after in a market that is becoming more and more competitive.

A rising number of manufacturers are expanding their operations to cover different stages of the supply chain, from the production of raw materials to the assembly of final products. This practice is known as vertical integration. Manufacturers can streamline their processes and have more control over costs and quality by integrating vertically. As larger businesses look to bolster their positions through strategic mergers or acquisitions, this tendency could result in industry consolidation.

These current developments in solar panel production have positive effects on customers since they reduce expenses, enhance product quality, and encourage environmentally friendly behaviors. In addition, as businesses work to stay ahead of the curve, they offer chances for innovation and industry expansion. It will be interesting to observe how these trends continue to influence the global adoption of renewable energy sources and the manufacturing landscape for solar panels as we go into 2019 and beyond.

9. Innovation and Technology

Innovation and technology are essential components that guarantee solar panels' effectiveness, longevity, and affordability. The leading manufacturers of 2019 have led the way in the sector's technological developments. The usage of PERC (Passivated Emitter Rear Cell) technology is one such development that greatly increases the efficiency of solar panels by enabling them to collect more sunlight and convert it into electrical power. Leading manufacturers have embraced this technology widely to improve the efficiency of their solar panels. 🙏

The use of bifacial solar panels, which can collect sunlight from both sides and hence increase energy generation, is another noteworthy advance. Manufacturers have significantly increased the total performance and production of their solar panels by adopting cutting-edge technology like these, making them more economical and efficient for both consumers and companies.

The endurance and durability of solar panels have been increased by developments in anti-reflective coatings and better cell designs. These advancements guarantee that the panels can withstand inclement weather, which lowers total maintenance costs for customers while simultaneously increasing energy production.

Smart technologies are being included by many manufacturers into their products, allowing for better solar panel system optimization and monitoring. These developments maximize the financial viability of solar energy solutions by enabling improved control over energy output and use.

These leading manufacturers in 2019 have advanced the industry with cutting-edge technologies that have a major impact on the efficiency, longevity, and affordability of solar panels through ongoing research and development activities.

10. Sustainability Practices

2019's best solar panel manufacturers are evaluated based in large part on their commitment to sustainability. An important factor in assessing a manufacturer's position in the business is their dedication to environmentally responsible practices and sustainable production methods. We can learn more about these businesses' commitment to reducing their environmental impact by looking at how they manage trash, energy use, and overall ecological impact. Consumer and industry opinions of solar panel manufacturers' sustainable efforts are heavily influenced by the growing global focus on boosting renewable energy sources and lowering carbon emissions.

When evaluating the sustainability practices of the leading solar panel manufacturers for 2019 shipments, it's critical to take into account elements like resource consumption, recycling initiatives, and ethical material procurement. When it comes to environmental responsibility, manufacturers who place a high priority on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through energy-efficient production methods are probably going to stand out. Companies may set themselves apart as leaders in sustainability within the solar energy industry by showcasing their dedication to responsible waste management through the implementation of recycling efforts and a goal of minimizing their landfill impact.

Integrating ethical sourcing methods for the raw materials needed to produce solar panels shows a manufacturer's commitment to maintaining sustainable principles all the way through their supply chain. An industry-wide shift toward more ecological consciousness can be attributed to a transparent approach to material sourcing, which guarantees that sustainable practices continue beyond production facilities and into the extraction and processing phases. Manufacturers of solar panels who actively work with suppliers to enforce ethical sourcing guidelines have the chance to create new norms for ecologically conscious corporate behavior.

In conclusion, it is clear from assessing the top 10 solar panel manufacturers for 2019 shipments that sustainable practices play a crucial role in identifying leaders in the sector. We identify manufacturers who are committed to reducing their environmental impact through conscientious resource usage, waste management strategies, and ethical material sourcing by looking at each manufacturer's commitment to sustainable production practices and their initiatives toward environmental responsibility. Solar panel producers need to put sustainability practices first as a sign of their corporate responsibility and as a means of ensuring the industry's long-term viability, given the growing consumer awareness of environmental issues.

11. Future Prospects

Looking beyond 2019, the solar panel sector has promising potential for the future. The industry anticipates that production costs will continue to fall, which is a significant development. Technology developments, economies of scale, and heightened manufacturer competitiveness are probably the main causes of this drop. Leading manufacturers will therefore need to make research and development investments in order to stay ahead of the curve and preserve their competitive edge.

The growing emphasis on environmentally friendly and sustainable manufacturing techniques is another significant change that is imminent. Growing consumer knowledge of environmental issues has led to a desire for items that are produced and used in an environmentally friendly manner. Prominent producers must modify their procedures to conform to these demands, failing which they run the danger of losing market share to more environmentally friendly competitors.

Significant changes in market dynamics are anticipated as new firms enter the field and established ones grow their businesses. Leading manufacturers' market shares may change as a result of this, especially if recent developments upend the status quo. Global policy and regulatory changes may have an impact on market dynamics, posing opportunities as well as difficulties to solar panel manufacturers.🏄

Beyond 2019, there is potential for more cost reductions, a greater focus on sustainable practices, and dynamic changes in market rivalry in the solar panel business. Maintaining their positions at the vanguard of this changing business requires leading manufacturers to be innovative, adaptable, and environmentally responsible in order to handle these changes.

12. Conclusion

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Several important factors become apparent while evaluating the leading solar panel manufacturers in 2019. When determining which solar panels are appropriate for your needs, efficiency, dependability, warranty, and price are important factors to take into account. Top manufacturers like JinkoSolar, JA Solar, and Trina Solar have a track record of producing dependable, high-quality products. 😃

While these rankings offer insightful information about the top solar panel manufacturers of 2019, it's crucial to remember that the best option might vary greatly depending on the specifics of the project and the area. Customers may choose the best solar panels for their unique circumstances with confidence if they thoroughly consider these criteria in comparison to their budget and personal needs.

Bear in mind the standards by which these manufacturers were ranked when you assess solar panels for your residence or place of business. Think about the product's quality and the company's reputation in addition to cost and efficiency. Keeping these things in mind makes it easier to decide which solar panels to purchase after doing your research. Selecting a trustworthy manufacturer will guarantee optimal energy production from your solar panel installation as well as long-term dependability.

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Albert Albright

Solar panels are Albert Albright's passion. He is a very driven and committed person. Acknowledged as a foremost expert in the domain of solar energy, he obtained his Ph.D. from Cornell University. Albert has a wealth of industry experience as well as knowledge in solar panel design and photovoltaic innovations. He is committed to providing insightful commentary on the most recent developments influencing solar power's future.

Albert Albright

Charles Sterling is a dedicated and passionate Professor with deep expertise in renewable energy. He holds a BA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), an MA from San Diego State, and a PhD from Stanford University. Charles' areas of specialization encompass solar, wind, bioenergy, geothermal, and hydropower. With innovative research methodologies and a collaborative approach, he has made significant contributions to advancing our understanding of energetical systems. Known for his high standards of integrity and discipline, Charles is deeply committed to teaching and maintains a balance between work, family, and social life.

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